
Edge Impulse

Installing Edge Impulse CLI Tool

Install Python
Install Node
Use this automatic installer script to grab all the tools [Approximately 3GB internet required]
notion image
Automatic script will start like this:
notion image
When tested this automatic script, it will stop at some point [This is background download of visual studio and C++ dependencies ~ 3GB download]
It might get stuck after download and do not install at its own!
You have to manually retry/install dependency with visual studio installer
It will look like this and will contain options of restart/retry option to install
It will look like this and will contain options of restart/retry option to install
If there is no option showing up, manually install C++ dependency.
Check python installation [output may vary according to version installed]
python --version Python 3.10.0
Check node installation
node --version v16.13.1
If you are getting errors, install again with PATH enabled.

Install CLI Tool:

npm install -g edge-impulse-cli --force
If you are getting any error, repeat all the steps!

Flashing firmware on your sony spresense

Connect sony spresense main board.
Open flash script. Example - For windows start flash_windows.bat
Select COM port of spresense board.
If you are facing Not ACK, Not NAK issue on command line, lower down baudrate 115200 using this command
python3 -u flash_writer.py -s -d -b 115200 -n edge_impulse_firmware.spk
Once flashed, it will get to 100%
To connect edgeimpulse platform, use edge-impulse-daemon in command line.
Enter your account details
notion image
Congrats 🎉

Installing Edge Impulse CLI Tool on Raspberry Pi

Installing CLI tool on 32bit OS is easy to install and do not require any extra steps:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs node -v npm config get prefix // it will return usr/ or usr/local/ mkdir /.npm-global npm config set prefix '/.npm-global' echo 'export PATH=/.npm-global/bin:$PATH' >> /.profile npm install -g edge-impulse-cli
Installing on 64bit OS is tricky as there is no pre-compiled binary of serialport for ARM64, so there is workaround:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs node -v npm config get prefix // it will return usr/ or usr/local/ mkdir /.npm-global npm config set prefix '/.npm-global' echo 'export PATH=/.npm-global/bin:$PATH' >> /.profile sudo apt install -y gcc g++ make build-essential nodejs sox gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-apps npm config set user root && sudo npm install edge-impulse-cli -g --unsafe-perm
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