
HW Testing

Most of hardware testing is troubleshooting which require patience and expertise

Basic Testing

SD Card test → format in FAT32 format only and default space allocation
Camera test → make sure to not put pressure on module in any way and in case of loose cable fit in careful manner and DO NOT PUT EXTRA FORCE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES

Connection Testing

SD card not connected → This issue arises due to connection problem between main board and extension board which is discussed below.
Main board and extension board → Most of common issues are caused due to connectivity problem between these boards, when placing main board on extension board make sure it makes clicky sound and firmly goes in the place.
Camera not working → Camera cable is fragile and making connection requires patience. When sliding camera cable into camera connector it will smoothly slide in until it fully goes into the slot. DO NOT PUT EXTRA FORCE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Use tweezers in case of any cable issues.